
Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions for the Purchase and Sale of NO STORM Goods

1. Concepts:
1.1. “Seller” is Pupt UAB, a private legal entity, registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the State enterprise Centre of Registers of the Republic of Lithuania, legal entity registration number: 302658167, VAT identification number: LT100006337014, registered office address: Savanoriu av. 176, Vilnius, Lithuania. The Seller represents the trademark NO STORM.
1.2. "Website" is an electronics store at the address www.nostorm.eu
1.3. “The Buyer” is (1) a natural person with legal capacity, i. e., a person who has attained the age of majority, not legally incapacitated by the court; (2) a minor from fourteen to eighteen years of age who has a consent of his/her parents or guardians, except when he/she is emancipated; (3) a legal person; (4) duly authorised representatives all of the aforementioned persons.
1.4. “The Parties” means the Buyer and the Seller (jointly).
1.5. “Personal data” means any information relating to a natural person (data subject) whose identity is known or who can be directly or indirectly identified using such data as forename and surname, address, e-mail, telephone number.
1.6. “Terms and Conditions” means these Terms and Conditions for the sale and purchase at the store of NO STORM, including the e-shop.
1.7. “Product collection centres” means the centre at the address Savanoriu pr. 176, Vilnius, Lithuania. 
2. General Provisions
2.1. The Buyer shall review and accept the Terms and Conditions by checking the box at the statement “I have reviewed and accept Website Sale and Purchase Terms and Conditions”. The Terms and Conditions approved in this way constitute a legal document binding on the Parties establishing the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, the conditions of purchasing and payment for Goods, the procedure for the delivery and returning of Goods, the liability of the Parties and other conditions related to the purchase and sale of Goods on Website.
2.2. Only the Buyers defined in Paragraph 1.3 of the Terms and Conditions shall have the right to buy from Website. By accepting the reviewed Rules, the Buyer confirms that he/she has the right to buy the Goods on Website.
2.3. If necessary or in the circumstances provided for in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, the Seller has the right to modify, amend or supplement the Terms and Conditions.
2.4. If the Seller has the right or obligation to supply information or documents to the Buyer by e-mail, the Buyer himself/herself shall in all cases be responsible for indicating his/her valid e-mail address to the Seller.
3. Ordering of Goods, the moment of creation of the sale and purchase legal relationship:
3.1. The Buyer may choose to order Website goods in one of the following ways:
3.1.1. Online, on the Website;
3.1.2. At the Seller's office: Savanoriu pr. 176, Vilnius, Lithuania. 
3.2. The Buyer who orders goods in accordance with Paragraph 3.1.of the Terms and Conditions must indicate his/her Personal or Company data necessary for the due fulfilment of the order in the relevant information fields provided by the Seller.
3.3. The Terms and Conditions shall be applicable to the Buyers who choose to collect the Goods at the office. They accept the Terms and Conditions by placing their order.
3.4. The legal relationship of sale and purchase is established and a sale and purchase contract is concluded between the Seller and the Buyer upon the completion of the last ordering step, i. e., the selection and confirmation of the payment method after having selected the goods and formed the shopping cart.
3.5. Every order of the Buyer shall be stored in the database of Website.
4. Buyer's rights:
4.1. The Buyer shall have the right to buy goods on the Website in accordance with the procedure established in these Terms and Conditions.
4.2. The Buyer shall have the right to refuse his/her order in accordance with the procedure established in these Terms and Conditions.
4.3. The Buyer shall have the right to withdraw from the contract in accordance with the procedure established in these Terms and Conditions.
4.4. The Buyer shall have the right to exchange or return the purchased goods in accordance with the procedure established in the section “Warranty and Returns”.
4.5. The Buyer shall have other rights established in these Terms and Conditions and in the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
5. Obligations of the Buyer
5.1. A Buyer using the Website shall comply with his/her obligations, these Terms and Conditions, other conditions explicitly stated on the website, and shall not violate the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
5.2. The Buyer must pay for the ordered goods or services and accept them in accordance with the procedure established in these Terms and Conditions.
5.3. The Buyer who has marked “Yes” in the field “Subscribe to the newsletter” during the purchase, agrees to receive Seller's newsletters with special offers.
5.4. Upon receipt of the bean bag, the Buyer must unpack it, i. e., the bag must not be stored it in a closed package. During transportation the bean bag may be exposed to moisture due to temperature differences, and therefore, needs to be unpacked.
6. Seller's rights:
6.1. The Seller has the right to change, suspend or terminate the operation of certain functions of Website or of a part thereof, as well as to change the layout of the elements on Website.
6.2. The Seller has the right to suspend or terminate the activities of Website. In this case, all accepted and confirmed Buyers' orders shall be completed, and new orders shall not be accepted.
6.3. The Seller has the right to change the scope or manner of provision of services provided by Website, to suspend, terminate the provision of services or a part thereof, to charge for services or a part thereof.
7. Seller’s obligations:
7.1. The Seller undertakes to provide the Buyer with the opportunity to use the services provided by Website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and provisions of other documents of Website.
7.2. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer and to accept the goods returned by the Buyer in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
7.3. If important circumstances do not allow the Seller to deliver the ordered goods to the Buyer, the Seller undertakes to offer the Buyer an analogous product or a product as similar as possible in its characteristics. If the Buyer refuses to accept the offered analogous or similar item, the Seller shall refund the money paid to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) business days, if a prepayment was made, and shall cancel the order in all cases.
8. Prices of goods, procedure and time frame of payment:
8.1. The prices of goods in the order formed for Website shall be indicated in euros, including the amount of VAT applicable at that time according to the legislation. The goods shall be sold to the Buyer at the prices applicable in the Website at the moment of order placement.
8.2. The Buyer can pay for the ordered goods in one of the following ways:
8.2.1. Using the electronic banking;
8.2.2. By a bank transfer;
8.2.3. In cash while placing the order at the Seller’s office;
8.2.4. Using the consumer credit agreement service provided by leasing companies.
8.3. The time limit for delivery of the goods shall commence upon the receipt of payment for the goods or of a confirmation of purchase financing (if the Buyer has chosen the payment method established in Paragraph 8.2.4 of the Terms and Conditions) by the Seller. If the payment is not received within 7 calendar days, your order will be automatically cancelled.
8.4. By accepting the Rules, the Purchaser agrees with the electronic delivery of the purchase documents related to the goods (VAT invoices) by e-mail indicated in the Purchaser’s registration form. VAT invoices shall indicate the selected goods, their quantity, the final price of the goods, including all taxes and fees, and other data required by the accounting legislation.
8.5. The price of the goods may not change after the Seller has confirmed the order, unless the price of the goods has changed due to technical errors in information systems or other objective reasons beyond the Seller's control. If in such a case the Buyer does not agree to buy an item for a new price, the Buyer can refuse his/her order informing the Seller thereof within 2 (two) business days. If the order is cancelled in accordance with the procedure provided for in this paragraph, all amounts paid by the Buyer shall be refunded.
8.6. The Seller announcing a promotion, a special offer for goods or groups of goods shall inform the Buyer that the discounts on goods shall not be summed up with other discounts (e. g., the promotion is not applicable to the goods in the outlet – the discounts cannot be summed up).
8.7. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Consumer agrees that in exceptional cases delivery of goods may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances not depending on the Seller. In such a case, the Seller shall be obliged to contact the Buyer without delay and to agree the time frames and conditions of delivery of goods.
8.8. At the time of delivery of goods to the Buyer, the Buyer must check the condition of the consignment and the goods together with the Seller or its authorised representative and sign the consignment delivery and acceptance document. After the Buyer signs the delivery and acceptance document, the goods shall be considered to have been delivered in proper condition, without any violations, the cause of which is attributable to non-factory defects, and without any complete set discrepancies (that can be identified during the external inspection of the goods).
Should the Buyer notice that the packaging of the delivered goods is damaged (wrinkled, wet or otherwise externally damaged), the goods are damaged and/or the goods are in an incorrect set, the Buyer must indicate this in the product delivery and acceptance document and, in the presence of the Seller or its representative, draw up a free-form report on the violation/non-conformity and inform the Seller about the situation by e-mail.  
Should the fail to perform these actions, the Seller shall be released from liability for damage to the goods, when the cause of such damage is not a factory defect and due to discrepancies in the complete set of goods only if such discrepancies can be identified during external inspection.
9. Liability:
9.1. The Buyer shall be responsible for the actions carried out using Website.
9.2. The Seller shall be released from any liability for losses resulting from the Buyer’s failure to review these Terms and Conditions despite the Supplier’s recommendations and his/her obligations, although he/she has been granted such an opportunity.