
Privacy Policy


1. “Website” means www.nostorm.eu which is available online at www.nostorm.eu 
2. "Seller" means Pupt Ltd, a private limited liability company, established in the Republic of Lithuania, legal entity registration number: 302658167, registered address: Savanoriu av. 176, Vilnius, Lithuania, the data are collected and processed by the Register of Legal Entities of the State enterprise Centre of Registers, e-mail address: info@nostorm.eu, telephone number:+370 685 50921.
3. “Consumer” means any person (natural or legal) registered on the Website.
4. “User” means any person (natural or legal) not registered on the Website who/which uses the Website.
5. “Services” means the services related to goods offered on the Website, which can be regularly updated, supplemented or changed on the Website, and the concept “Services” shall always include all such services listed on the Website.
6. “Goods” means the products and their accessories sold at Website.
7. “Account” means the link on the relevant Website.
8. “Partners” means such legal persons with which Seller cooperates in providing goods and services on the Website.
9. “Cookies” means small files that are temporarily stored on your device's hard drive and allow to identify you during your subsequent visits on the Website, to store your personal browsing history and preferences, to customise the content, accelerate site searches, create a comfortable and friendly Website environment, present it more efficiently and reliably. The use of cookies browsing websites is a common practice which facilitates the use of the website.
10. “Browser” means a program for displaying internet-based pages (web pages) on the web or PC.
11. “Personal Data” means any information relating to a natural person (data subject) whose identity is known or who can be identified, directly or indirectly, using such data as an identification number, one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
12. “Recipient of Personal Data” means a legal or natural person to whom/which personal data are disclosed, including the Partners.
13. “Privacy Policy” means this document, which contains the basic rules for the collection, aggregation, processing and storage of personal data and other relevant information to be followed while using the Website.
14. “The Law” means the law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania.
15. “General Requirements” means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Regulation (EU) 2016/679 is a directly applicable legal act of the European Union. In Lithuania, like in other Member States of the European Union, it is applicable since 25 May 2018.
16. “Site Administrator” means Remigijus Balciunas, a person responsible for the Website administration.
17. “Controller” means the company Pupt Ltd, a person responsible Remigijus Balciunas.
18. “IP address” means a unique number assigned to each computer connected to the Internet, also known as the Internet Protocol (IP) address. Since such numbers are usually assigned in country-based blocks, an IP address can often be used to identify the country in which the computer is connected to the Internet.

1. The Privacy Policy of the Website provides for the basic rules for the collection, storage and processing of Personal Data and other information important to a person during the use of the Website by the Consumer and/or User and ordering of the Services provided on the Website.
2. The purpose of the Privacy Policy is to defend and protect the Personal Data of Consumers and/or Users of the Website from unauthorised use.
3. Both Consumers and Users are deemed to have read this Privacy Policy when they accept it by clicking the button “ACCEPT” in the pop-up window or order the relevant goods or services. You can review this document on the Website. Information of any future amendments and/or supplements of the Privacy Policy shall always be communicated to Consumers and Users on the Website.
4. Seller is registered with the Register of Personal Data Protection Controllers: Identification number - P7062, registration date - 27/04/2016.
5. This Privacy Policy shall be applicable in all cases where Seller receives Personal Data due to ordering and/or acquisition of Goods or Services by a Consumer and/or User through the Website. Consumers and/or Users should note that the protection of their Personal Data may be subject to additional Privacy Policies of its Partner for which Seller is not responsible if they order Goods or Services provided by the Partners of theSeller. In addition, Seller would like to point out that the Website contains links to the websites of other persons, companies or organisations, and that Seller is not responsible for the content of such websites and/or the privacy practices used by them, so before submitting any information about himself/herself the Consumer and/or the User should review such rules, privacy policy and other documents of the respective website.
6. Additional information about the privacy policies of third party websites:

Privacy Policy of Facebook
Privacy Policy of Google and YouTube
Privacy Policy of Instagram
Privacy Policy of Mailerlite
Google ads settings
Opt out of Google Partner Network cookies
Ensure settings are saved in the browser


1. Depending on the nature of the specific Services ordered by the Consumer and/or the User, the following Personal Data shall be collected and stored:
1.1. For order fulfilment purposes: forename, surname, address, zip code, telephone number, e-mail address, customer ID (assigned to the client by the system). The basis for processing of such data is the order.
1.2. For marketing purposes: e-mail address, IP address, cookies. The basis for processing of such data is the consent No. 2. Two types of cookies are used on the Website. 
2. The first type of cookies – In order to improve its Website and ensure the variety and quality of the Services offered, as well as efficient use of the Website, Seller hereby informs that information necessary to calculate Website traffic (to collect statistical information) is collected during the use of the Website in order to adjust the content of the Website to the interests of Consumers and/or users and to save the visiting history subject to the consent of the Consumer and/or the User, as described in this Privacy Policy.
2.1. The consent shall be valid for an unlimited period of time until the Consumer and/or the User to withdraws his/her consent. In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the Website and your satisfaction with the best shopping result, your visit will always be recorded in the Google Tag Manager platform. You may revoke your permission to use cookies at any time. You can do this by changing your web browser settings so that it does not accept cookies. The method of doing this depends on your operating system and Web browser. For more detailed information about cookies, their use, opt-out options, please visit https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads
2.2. The second type of cookies - Please be advised that when you access the Website, the following cookies shall be saved on your computer in order to be able to use the Website: A cookie necessary for the functioning of the website (PHPSESSID) - the cookie is intended to implement the functionality of the website. It is deleted when the window of the website is closed. Another cookie that we use (Accept_cookies) has the value “1” and expires in 1 year. It is intended to ensure that the consumer is not repeatedly asked whether he/she accepts the Policy of Cookies for the period of one year, if he/she has already consented to the Policy of Cookies, unless he/she has cleaned his/her browser. In addition, the following cookies are used: Inspectlet.com, Onesignal.com, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel. In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the Website and your satisfaction with the best shopping result, your visit will always be recorded in the Google Tag Manager platform. You may revoke your permission to use cookies at any time. You can do this by changing your web browser settings so that it does not accept cookies. The method of doing this depends on your operating system and Web browser. For more detailed information about cookies, their use, opt-out options, please visit https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads
2.3. The Consumer and/or the User expresses his/her advance voluntary consent to allow Website to save cookies by clicking the button “AGREE” as follows: “Please be advised that this site uses cookies which are intended to improve the quality of your browser for statistical and marketing purposes. You may withdraw your consent at any time by changing your browser settings and deleting the saved cookies. The statistical cookie allows us to count visits and visitor traffic sources in order to measure and improve the performance of the Website. All this cookie information is aggregated and therefore anonymous. In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the Website and your satisfaction with the best shopping result, your visit will always be recorded in the Google Tag Manager platform.


1. Seller uses Personal Data for the following purposes:
1.1. For the purpose of ordering Goods or Services on the Website – for the fulfilment of the order. A Consumer and/or a User intending to order the Goods or Services offered on the Website must provide Personal Data to the extent necessary to order a specific Product or Service.
1.2. For the purpose of the effective provision of Bean Bag-related Services offered on the Website – for marketing purposes. Seller takes care of the efficiency of the Goods or Services offered on the Website and their ordering, and seeks to prevent any cases of identity theft.
1.3. In order to ensure continuous improvement and development of the Website Services and to provide the Consumer and/or the User with the best possible offers of Services, Seller has the right to use Personal Data for marketing purposes when the Consumer and/or User expresses their consent (e. g., by ticking the appropriate box, subscribing a newsletter, etc.).
1.4. The third-party ads displayed on our site are provided by the Google AdWords tool. In order to serve only the ads that are relevant to you as a user, we use third-party cookie information about your browsing habits provided to us by the Google AdWords tool. Third parties whose advertisements are displayed on our website may also save cookies in your browser. Google AdWords provides us with personally non-identifiable information about you and your browsing habits for remarketing purposes.
1.5. Facebook social network uses remarketing for the purpose of providing personalised, more relevant content for online advertising.
1.6. We collect information about you using cookies and similar technologies. We use cookie-derived information for the following purposes:
• to ensure the functionality of the Website (e. g., so that you could use the personalised Website).
• to be able to improve and develop the Website so that it better meets your needs;
• for the development of services and analysis of the Website use;
• for targeted marketing guidance.


1. Website accounts are links to certain websites that may contain the same information as the Website, as Seller is both the Website and the Account Manager. Website account users are subject to the Privacy Policy of the web page which contains the Website Account, and to the terms and conditions of that page, as well as to this Privacy Policy and other applicable terms and conditions published on the Website applicable to Website.
2. Seller has Accounts on the following web pages: Seller's (fanpage, social network Facebook); Seller's (fanpage; social network Instagram) Seller's (fanpage; social network LinkedIn). 


1. Seller informs that it does not transfer Personal Data to third parties based in the Republic of Lithuania, in the countries of the European Union or in other foreign countries, neither for remuneration nor for free or otherwise, except in the following cases:
• If the Consumer and/or the User has given his/her consent.
• When providing the Goods or Services offered on the Website – to Partners or authorised third parties who process Personal Data on behalf of Seller for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy, such as making payments, ordering of Services, etc.
• To the law enforcement authorities in accordance with the procedure set forth in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
• If it is necessary to prevent or investigate criminal offences.
• Seller has the following processors of personal data: Interneto vizija UAB.
• The Personal Data of the Consumer and/or User are provided to the Member States of the European Union or to other foreign countries under the same conditions and in the same manner as to the recipients of Personal Data in the Republic of Lithuania only for the purposes provided for in this Privacy Policy. 

1. The Consumer and/or the User grant Seller the right to collect, control, process and store the Consumer's and/or User's Personal Data to the extent and for the purposes provided for in the Privacy Policy and other documents of the Website. The Consumer and/or the User have the right to revoke their permission for Seller to collect, control and process their Personal Data at any time, to request to stop collecting, processing and managing their Personal Data and to delete Personal Data. The consent to collect, control and process the Personal Data of the Consumer and/or the User shall be valid only for the future periods. Upon receipt of such notice from the Consumer and/or the User, Seller shall immediately suspend the processing of the respective Personal Data, but this does not mean that Seller must delete/destroy the Personal Data if it has a basis for their storage.
2. The Consumer and/or the User have the right to access to their personal data. In order to find out what personal data have been collected by Website and from what sources, for what purposes they are processed, to which recipients they are provided and have been provided, the Consumer/User should contact Seller in advance via e-mail using the address provided in this Privacy Policy. Seller shall implement the Consumer’s and/or User's right of access to the personal data processed within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Consumer’s and/or User’s request.
3. If the Consumer and/or User finds out that Personal Data are incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, they have the right to contact Seller by e-mail requesting to correct the incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate Personal Data and/or suspend the actions of processing of such Personal Data. Personal Data shall be corrected and deleted or their processing shall be suspended subject to the condition that the data subject’s identity documents and the documents confirming his/her Personal Data are produced. Seller shall implement the Consumer’s and/or User's right of suspension of personal data processing (or shall delete personal data) within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Consumer’s and/or User’s request.
4. Seller shall retain Personal Data for the period of 10 (ten) years from the date of their submission, unless a different retention period is provided in this Privacy Policy. For bookkeeping purposes.
5. The Consumer and/or the User agree in advance that Seller shall have the right to retain their data until the completion of the investigation by the competent authorities, if their data have been used in illegal activities or in identity theft or any other violation, in respect of which an investigation was or will be carried out by the appropriate law enforcement authorities, if Seller has received complaints in relation to the relevant Consumer and/or User, or if Seller has noticed violations of the Privacy Policy and/or the terms and conditions indicated on the Website made by the respective Consumer and/or User, or if there are other legitimate objectives to protect Personal Data.
6. In order to exercise the aforementioned rights, the Consumer and/or the User may contact Seller by e-mail. 


1. Seller shall ensure that the Personal Data provided by a Consumer and/or a User on the Website is protected from any illegal actions: illegal alteration, disclosure or destruction of Personal Data, identity theft, fraud and the level of protection of Personal Data shall comply with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
2. The personal data shall be protected against loss, unauthorised use and modifications. The database that protects the data of Consumers and/or Users of the Website is protected from unauthorised access via computer networks.
3. Both the Consumer and the User undertake and shall be obliged not to disclose Personal Data about themselves or third parties to any other third part, if such Personal Data of third parties have become available to them, and to inform Seller about any noticed violations without delay.


1. This Privacy Policy shall be valid as of 1 May 2017. Consumer and/or Users will be notified of any amendments to the Privacy Policy on the Website and by sending notifications to their e-mail addresses.
2. How can you contact us? We invite you to contact Pupt Ltd regarding any questions related to this privacy notice or the processing of your personal data in any way convenient for you:

in writing – via e-mail: info@nostorm.eu 
verbally – by telephone: +370 685 50921
in writing – to the address: Savanoriu pr. 176, 03154 Vilnius, Lithuania